Monday morning began with new administrator orientation. We met district staff and toured the building. There were discussions on best practices and what to expect as administrators in isolated locations and the importance of working with tribal and village councils. At one point my lead site administrator, who I’ll refer to as Bill, and I were asked if we would like to make a run up river. A boat was going to our village to pick up a team of workers who needed to get back to Bethel. Bill had been to the village for a couple of days but had not been by boat. We were both anxious to see the area from the river perspective so we agreed to make the late afternoon trip.
The district’s relationship with the villages is cooperative. The district guidelines and policies take village and tribal rules into consideration. If the rule in village A says one thing and village B says the exact opposite you follow the rule of the village your in at the present. With that said, the policies are flexible when necessary.
After a working lunch the paperwork shuffle began. New employees were in the building and I being one of them began the Human Resources process of new employment. I had gone to great pains to make sure I had everything ready before I left home. As the lady helping me called for an item I produced it quickly. Until….. when she asked for my physical form and tuberculosis test results I started looking through my packet knowing they were there only to come up empty handed. I knew I had them because I had just gotten them Thursday morning. I looked through my papers three times. Nothing. Apparently, my organization was lacking because somehow I hadn’t included them in my final check. A quick call home to alert my wife of my neglect has her on the hunt for the missing documents. Hopefully tomorrow will bring good news on that front.
After a bus tour of the greater Bethel metropolitan area, we stopped at the B&B for me to grab my rain gear for the trip. After short ride from the district office we arrived at the marina where we loaded onto a 20 foot fishing boat for the ride. It took approximately 30 minutes to make the run. Most of the trip was on the Kuskokwim River. We did take a few short cuts along a couple of sloughs that crisscross the area. My cell service lasted to within a couple of miles of the village.
My first impression of the village was of a low area along the river with scattered houses appearing in the trees. The older school, that now belongs to the tribal council, is the most prominent building in sight from the river. We didn’t leave the boat, but helped load equipment and the two men that had been working at the school. We made a quick turnaround and headed back to Bethel.
We took a different route back and our guide showed us the effects that erosion and the warming climate is having on the area. Long stretches of river bank are washing away. Trees along the edge have been undercut by the current and have fallen into the river. Where the bank is high in a few places, you can see that the permafrost has melted and eroded. We did see a bald eagle on the river bank. We pasted within thirty yards of it and it ignored us and continued watching for fish.
When we got back to Bethel we were dropped off at the place Bill is staying. I decided I would walk back to my room. It’s only a mile or so by road and it gave me the opportunity to stop at the quick stop to see what they carry. I plan to find the grocery store Tuesday and start planning how I’ll get groceries to my place in the village.
Although I didn’t actually get to go into the village I feel that the day was productive and I’m glad I made the trip up river. I learned several things on the way that will be valuable later. I’ll save them for now and close out.
Looks like some good fishing
Post some pics when you can. I would love to see your surroundings! Hope Wanda finds your TB results.